Utherverse Wiki

Web Browser PopUp (Chromium) is a script you can use in the Prop Editor. It functions similar to the Web Browser script. Chromium is the embedded browser used by Utherverse to display websites and web content. Note that this is completely separate to the web browser you have on your PC.

When a PopUp browser script is active, opened and displayed in game, your avatar movement is disabled until the pop-up is closed. This allows interaction with the script. To fully use this window it is best to always have your mouse cursor pointed inside the window. Certain functions will not work if you mouse cursor is outside of this.

How to use this script[]

You can put any web URL on The Web BrowserPopUp script. If you add http://www.google.com people will be able to interact with the Google website.


Option Default Value Value Range Explanation Setting
URL http://www.utherverse.com/ url Here you have to specify the web address to load. For example inputting http://www.youtube.com will load the front page of YouTube.
Window Title* Utherverse Internet Browser text The title of the pop-up window.*
Target PopUp (_Self) PopUp (_self)


PopUp (_self) opens the URL in an in-game interface (see image above). External(_blank) opens in the users default external browser.
Windows Horizontal Position* 5 2000 This is the horizontal position of the pop-up window in the Utherverse client.*
Windows Vertical Position* 70 2000 This is the vertical position of the pop-up window in the Utherverse client.*
Window Width* 800 1400 This is the width of the pop-up window in the Utherverse client.*
Window Height* 600 1200 This is the height of the pop-up window in the Utherverse client.
Right to Left off on/off

* Only used with a PopUp (_self) Target. This parameter has no effect when used with a PopUp (_blank Target.

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