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Triggers are a group of three special states in the Basic group of the State tab of the Prop Editor. These are:

  • Trigger
  • Clickable Trigger
  • Activate on Load.

Note that the Trigger Linked Script script can be used to activate upto three props and therefore, the scripts on them.


The Trigger State is mainly used with the the Trigger Box_01 prop to make dancefloors and automatic teleports to a different property or cause movement to different location within the same property. While you can use a Trigger Box as an external clickable invisible switch, you can also set this to trigger instead of a clickable trigger on the State tab. This will allow the user upon entering and/or exiting the trigger area to trigger a door from opening or closing when exiting.

You do not need to set any special states for this script if you are using it on a Trigger Box prop. The Trigger state is set automatically for you when you choose the script.

Note: You can set at what point a trigger box triggers, this can be either on entering or exiting, by enabling these settings on the trigger linked script.

Clickable Trigger, Activate on Load and Trigger Linked Script[]

The following Scripts use of the Clickable Trigger state, the Activate on Load state and the Trigger Linked Script script:

Script Function
Animated Texture This allows you to remotely disable or enable the animated texture. It will also hide and/or collide the prop if this is applicable.
Audio Play Music This pauses or unpauses the music globally for everyone
Audio Add Sound This will play a sound
Cached Web Image This will hide and/or collide the prop.
Door Object This will open a door or close it.
Emitter This will start/stop playing an emitter
Gender Blocker
Light Area This will turn on/off the lights. This can be usefull as a lightswitch
Light Area (Extended) This will turn on/off the area attached to this.
Light Source
Light Strobe
Light Strobe Color
Move Within Bounded Box
Rotate Object This will start/stop the prop from rotating
Scale Object This will scale the prop up/down.
Sprite This will show/hide the sprite
Sprite Animated This will show/hide the animated sprite.
Sprite Candle This will turn on/off a candle fire.
Trigger Linked Script This allows you to trigger scripts that are attached to other props. This causes specific actions to trigger, such as a door opening as you approach it or making a clickable light switch.
VIP Rope 1
VIP Rope 2

Note too that the Sound: props (aka chimes) also use these features.

Clickable Trigger[]

This makes scripts that are attached to a prop interactive by making them clickable.

The switches look like this: OFF and ON

This allow you to for example turn on or off lights, start letting an emitter play or disable it, or if you are really creative even switch which emitter is displaying.

To use this script as a switch on a prop, uncheck the Trigger state and check the Clickable Trigger state.

When using this script as a clickable trigger, the Trigger on Enter and Trigger on Exit options do not apply.

Add this to any other prop and use the Trigger Linked Script script, and instead of making it trigger, make it clickable. This allows you to use the prop as a switch, meaning you can turn on lights, open doors remotely, start or stop an emitter and so much more. These props will now also have new mouse cursors to indicate off and on.

Note: Script ordering determines which mouse cursors is displayed, if more then one script is attached to a prop then the last script on the prop, will have it’s mouse cursors shown.

Activate on Load[]

This determines if the scripts on a prop will initiate when your avatar loads a location. If this is not enabled on a Play Music script, no music will start playing when you enter the location.

Doors, Move Within Bounded Box, emitters, animated textures, Play Music, Play Sound and light scripts are set to Activate on Load when created;

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