Utherverse Wiki
Utherverse Wiki

Templates are generally what users refer to as properties. Templates are basic shells that can be used as a basis for decorating. Some of these templates look similar to others and only vary slightly while others are vastly different from the rest and very unique.

Templates are a specific level of property in the Utherverse structure. The Utherverse structure consist of several layers to access specific locations.

Many templates can be rented or purchased in the Property Catalog, sometimes requiring a specific role/badge to access and purchase these. There are a couple of layouts new users can obtain free of rent. Furthermore there are some opportunities to obtain specific properties during events and Swagbags. Other than this, it is possible to acquire more templates to apply layouts to by purchasing them from the Property Catalog.

Templates always have a template identification number (TID). You can see this TID while visiting a location and looking on the Statistics panel by clicking <F2>.

Home - Account - User Interface - Social Center - Housing - Decorating - Clothing - Support

Bots - Chromium - Decorating Guides - Deco Tools - Domain - Prop Editor - Property - Props - Prop States - Ramps - Scripts - Transport - World Texture Editor - Zaby

Script Pages

Animated Textures - Audio Add Sound - Audio Play Music - Being.Me - Bots - Cached Web Image - Dance Pole - Door Object - Lighting - Move To scripts - Pickup Object - Sprites - Scale Object - Trigger Linked Script - Web Browser (Chromium) - Web Browser PopUp (Chromium)

Deco Articles

Animal Props - Alpha Pine Tree - Beds - Breaking Out - Chairs & Seating - Doors - Diving Board - Dungeon Crosses - Fire Places - Floors - Pole Dance Pole - Primitive Props - Lapdance Chairs - Ramps - Rope Prop - Sign 01 - Tileable Props - Texture Translucent - Triggers - VIP Ropes
