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Prop States are special animation files that can be loaded onto for a specific prop and subsequently only work for that prop. Once entered this will animate that prop and play the assigned animation routine.

Animation states[]

It most likely will allow the prop to be animated. Therefore a lot of plants, animals, mechanical props and a variety of other miscellaneous props have animations you can enable for them with this option.

Usually the animation files are named similar to the prop name, therefor typing just the first letter of the prop into the state tab usually will load an animation already. However, there are if a prop has more then 1 animation, typing just the first letter will usually cycle through all the animations. If you want to have only a specific animation on a prop that has multiple animations you will have to type in the full animation name.

Tip: Adding an animation to a prop might change the offset of the prop. Meaning it will be physically located somewhere else. If this happens, simply track the prop in your Prop Editor List and bring it back to where you want it.

On this page you can find a list of all the props that have animations, if they have more then one animation this is also noted. However, bots and the HF_NudeDancer1, respectively have their own separate information pages, as they contain a lot of states that you can enable on them.

Tip: If you add beagle to the prop it will alternate between sitting and idle animation, this works on most states that have multiple animations. You have to remove the part where the animation names differs, in certain cases this is just the number in other cases this is an entire word at the end, once the animation names match in their basic form they will toggle between multiple states. Feel free to experiment with this.

Animating the prop does not mean it will move from its location, use the Move Within Bounded Box script for this.

Prop Name Animation File Name
Angel Fish Big fishtank_fish16_ani
Angel Fish 01 angel_fish1_ani
Angel Fish 02 fishtank_fish14_ani
Angel Fish 03 fishtank_fish3_ani
Angel Fish 05 fishtank_fish1_ani
Angel Fish 06 fishtank_fish24_ani
Angel Fish Lagoon lagoon_fish01_ani
Aquarium Plant 01 fishtank_plant1_ani
Aquarium Plant 02 fishtank_plant2_ani
Aquarium Plant 03 fishtank_plant3_ani
Aquarium Plant 04 fishtank_plant4_ani
Aquarium Plant 05 fishtank_plant5_ani
Aquarium Plant 06 fishtank_plant6_ani
Aquarium Plant 07 fishtank_plant7_ani
Aquarium Plant 08 fishtank_plant8_ani
Aquarium Plant 09 fishtank_plant9_ani
Aquarium Plant 10 fishtank_plant10_ani
Aquarium Plant 11 fishtank_plant11_ani
Aquarium Plant 12 fishtank_plant14_ani
Aquarium Plant 13 fishtank_plant13_ani
Aquarium Plant 14 fishtank_plant14_ani
Aquarium Plant 15 fishtank_plant15_ani
Aquarium Plant 16 fishtank_plant16_ani
Aquarium Plant 17 fishtank_plant17_ani
Aquarium Plant 18 fishtank_plant18_ani
Aquarium Plant 19 fishtank_plant19_ani
Bat Bat_ani0
Beagle beagle_sit0
Black Cat cat_sit0
Black Labrador Goldenretriever_sit0
Blue Fish blue_fish_ani
Brown Cat cat_sit0
Butterfly butterfly_ani
Carousel Horse 1 carousel_horse_ani
Chihuahua chihuahua_sit0
Clown Fish 01 fishtank_fish15_ani
Clown Fish 02 fishtank_fish10_ani
Clown Fish 03 fishtank_fish4_ani
Clown Fish Lagoon lagoon_fish02_ani
Colbert Report Advert colbertreport_ani
Curtains curtains_ani0
Diving Board divingboard_ani
Doberman Goldenretriever_sit0
Ferris Wheel ferris_wheel_ani
Fish Danios 01 fishtank_fish25_ani
Fish Danios 02 fishtank_fish26_ani
Fish Danios 03 fishtank_fish23_ani
Fish Danios 04 fishtank_fish20_ani
Fish Danios 05 fishtank_fish18_ani
Fish Danios 06 fishtank_fish13_ani
Fish Danios 07 fishtank_fish5_ani
Fish Danios Lagoon lagoon_fish03_ani
Flag flag_ani
Flag Waving flagwave_ani0
Ghost ghost_ani0
Golden Retreiver Goldenretriever_sit0
Hamster Cage hamstercage_ani
Helicopter helicopter_ani
HF_Bass instrument_bass
HF_Guitar instrument_guitar
HF_Percussion instrument_percussion
HF_Prototerrarar instrument_prototerratar
HF_crystalpalace machine_sitting
HF_Hulahoop hulahoop
HF_Intruder machine_doggy
HF_Intruder_Missionary machine_missionary
HF_Sybian machine_cowgirl
HM_Bass instrument_bass
HM_Guitar instrument_guitar
HM_Percussion instrument_percussion
HM_Prototerratar instrument_prototerratar
HM_Hulahoop hulahoop
Intruder intruder_ani
Jellyfish jellyfish_ani
Loving Chair lovingchair_ani
Loving Chair G1 lovingchair_ani
Manta Ray manta_ray_ani
Orange Cat cat_sit0
Oscar Fish 01 fishtank_fish19_ani
Oscar Fish 02 fishtank_fish11_ani
Oscar Fish Lagoon lagoon_fish05_ani
Parrot Green parrot_ani0
Parrot Grey parrot_ani0
Parrot Red parrot_ani0
Pug pug_stand0
Reef Fish reef_fish_ani
Rinabo Fish 01 fishtank_fish17_ani
Rinabo Fish 02 fishtank_fish12_ani
Rinabo Fish 03 fishtank_fish9_ani
Rinabo Fish 04 fishtank_fish8_ani
Rinabo Fish Lagoon lagoon_fish04_ani
Rocket rocket_ani
Rotating Doors rotatingdoors_ani
Rottweiler Goldenretriever_sit0
Santas Elf santaself_ani0
Danios School Lagoon lagoon_school03_ani
Sea Dragon sea_horse_ani
Sea Turtle sea_turtle_ani
Sexual Apparatus crystalpalace_ani
Sexual Apparatus G1 crystalpalace_ani
Shark shark_ani
Star star_ani
White Cat cat_sit0
Yellow Fish 02 fishtank_fish6_ani
Yellow Fish 03 fishtank_fish7_ani
Yellow Fish 01 fishtank_fish21_ani
Yellow Fish 04 fishtank_fish22_ani
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