Utherverse Wiki

Manage Property is part of the Social Center and has a dedicated tab under My Home called Property. This is different from managing your world.

The main purpose of this tab is to quickly have an overview of all your zabys and the worlds you have created, and the properties that fall under these worlds. In this overview you have access to quick and useful information and the ability to change some settings regarding these properties.

The more important function that is used here to jump to the individual manage pages for each property with the numerous important pages nested under that.

Manage Property Overview[]

The first and most important dropdown list determines which properties you will see in your overview below it. In most cases you will always see zabys and possible world(s) you have created. In the case of the example below there is a world created called Perversiana.

Choose property

Selecting one or the other will toggle the view of properties between these. If neither a zaby or world has been created you will simply see no properties here or option to select these.

Overview Section of a Property[]

Below you can see an individual section of a property that you could see on your manage property page. Clicking the Manage button button takes you to that individual property management page.

Single property overview
SectionUnique Explanation
Link URL This is the vww link to your property.
Title This the is the name of this property. You can rename this on the management page for this property. If you have renamed it, the default template name will be written below it in brackets.
Is Default This option is only possible for zabys, and only one zaby can be set to default. This is the zaby where avatars can jump to when they click the "go there (zaby)" option, when they right-click your avatar. It is also the zaby you go to when clicking the "Zabby My Zaby" option.
Purchase Date This is the date you purchased this property.
License Fee This is the cost in rays of your property per month or year.
License Due This can have two different values, for properties that rent has been paid for the date will be the next time you need to pay rent. If you have an expired rent property, the date shown here is the last time you were due a deposit. This latter is not important, when making a new deposit. It will simply update the date from the moment you pay again and you do never have to pay backwards for the months not rented.
-LOCKED- This message is shown when you cannot enter this property because rent is not paid. And you need to make a deposit to rent to get it to unlock. No message is shown when a property is unlocked.
*This property rent is overdue.
Please make license fee deposit now.
This message only shows up if you have not paid rent, and the property is locked. To give an indication you need to pay rent in order to use this property.
* Your deposit lock box has insufficient fund to make upcoming rent.  Please make rent deposit. This message only shows up, if this property is due rent the next time and there is nothing in the deposit box to pay for this.
Manage button This brings you to the management page of this property, explained below.
Set Default Clicking this button will make this zaby your new default zaby.
Reset Property This button shows up to reset a property back to empty without any props. Make sure though you have saved any layouts you want to keep.
Text Field There is a text field, that has no real purpose. This is some text that Utherverse staff have written about this type of property. It varies greatly what is written here.

Manage Single Property[]

While located on the same visual tab, clicking the Manage button button will take to a new page where you can manage this single property. On this page you will have a variety of tab available to manage this property. Some are similar to the manage world tab. Clicking the manage property tab at the top will bring you back to the overview page of all your properties.

At the top of these pages another overview can be found similar to previous overview section of a property with the addition of a Transfer button, which will open up the ability to transfer a layout or property.


Manage property single

Here you can rename title of your property. By default the property name is written here. Title must be 3 to 64 characters, and can contains letters, numbers, dashes, underscores or spaces. You can also change the Change VWW Link URL but you can only use letters, numbers, and underscores. Usually you want to put in a single word that is easy for people to remember.

Your VWW Screenshot Image[]

You can update/upload screenshot of your own VWW once you have decorated it. This screenshot thumbnail is displayed in the Directory and Search Engine. 400x250px is a good size to use.

Edit for transports[]

This is a special section that describes changing the pod images.



This will open a new tab with specific Statistical information about your property. The overview is always per month, and you can change the month by selecting the one you want to see from the dropdown box.

Column Description
Total session The total number of visits.
Total members Number of unique members that visited.
Avg SPM Average number of sessions per unique visitor.


Here you can enter keywords for your property. Is this is also where you control how people see your property in the directory.


This tab shows some basic details about a particular property and has features to manage the layouts available.

Field Description
Link URL The unique vvw address.
Title The name that you have given to your property.
Purchase Date The date you acquired this property.
Licence Fee The monthly amount payable to Utherverse in Rays.
Licence Due The date when the license fee is payable.

Layout Title[]

Here you can save a new version of the currently applied layout into an empty Layout Slot. Use the Layout Title field to set a name for this layout then click the Save button. This name is used only on this page and is not the same as the property title above.

Buy More Layout Slots[]

Each layout that you save uses one of your layout slots. In this section you can see how many empty Layout Slots you have available and you can buy more for 2 Rays each. Note that Layout Slots are used across all your properties, not just the one that you are currently viewing.

Your Saved Layouts[]

Here you can see all Saved Layouts you have for this particular property type (template). If you transfer a layout to another member it will vanish from your list of Saved Layouts.



Please refer to the Permissions page.


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