Animated textures is a script that allows you to put textures on a prop similar to how GIF images work. The disco ball is one of these animated textures.
Here is a list of animated textures that can be selected with the Animated Texture script:
- Blink
- BonetownStore1
- BonetownStore2
- BonetownStore3
- BonetownStore4
- BonetownStore5
- Disco_Ball
- Fire
- asian_neon
- blue_fire
- bordellosignlights
- cadillac
- clubit_waterfall
- dance10
- dance13
- dance3
- dance6
- dance7
- dance9
- dog2
- dr_50stv_dr
- eyeglow1
- flasher
- globe1
- glow
- godzilla_neon
- kali
- kali2
- misc_animatedwin1
- misc_animatedwin1a
- misc_animatedwin2a
- misc_animatedwin3
- misc_animatedwin4a
- misc_fishtanksurfacewater1
- misc_laser01
- misc_light004
- neon0
- padray01
- pqdray02
- runwaylite01
- sign_casino_million
- sign_cityclub
- sign_girlsx3
- sign_neon_twinkles1
- sign_palacemarquee
- sign_palacemarqueesign1
- sign_palacemarqueesign2
- sign_passionclubexterior
- sign_passionmarqueelite
- sign_rlspresents
- sign_vid_comingsoon
- sign_vipmarquee
- skytube01
- spiral
- water_light
- water_waves
- waterfall1
- waterfall1_ripple
- waterfall1_splash