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Glowies or glowsticks are used by VIP-Users who can pick up a glowie in their right hand from most standard dance floors to enable rave dancing, this overwrites the general modern dancing option on the dance floor, the dances associated with these will also not be visable until the glowie is taking off.

An easy way to randomly change the color of your glowie, is to step off the dance floor then back onto it (or alternatively, open and close your in-game closet).

Setting your glowie color[]

Typing /glowstick shows a list of colors you can choose with this slashcommand. You can set the color of your glowie using the chat panel by typing /glowstick followed by a color option; blue, green, orange, pink, red, white, yellow, and random are allowed. Typing the command /glowstick blue changes the color to blue. Or try your luck with /glowstick random, to get some colors that are not pickable and only will be possible to show up with the random function. The color that you set remains until you log out or /drop, or setting the glowie back to random.

If you are already on a dancing, exit the dancefloor and walk back on to make the change visible.

Note: that the standard Dance script has an option to disallow glowies.

How to make a pill tray[]

A pill tray is a popular prop for giving VIP-users glowsticks and rave dance animations.

  1. Create a new Pill/Serving Tray prop (you can use any prop but this is the most common).
  2. In the Script tab add the Eat Pill script.
  3. Use the Offset option to change your position when you click the pill tray so adjust it until you are standing in front of the pill tray.
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