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Cover Charge settings can be found in the rules/permissions in your Manage Property settings.

A cover charge can be set so that people pay to visit your location. Some examples of this are an admission charge for vising an event or for the enjoyment of the location or even to cover for the costs of screening a movie.

The cover amount is set in rays and determines the admission price for anyone visiting. The duration of an admission is configurable, it determines the length of the stay. Unfortunately there are no lifetime passes yet.

The owner can also configure the active status by specifying a time (in the PST timezone) and which days the cover charge is active. This is to allow entry in off-peak hours or when the event isn't happening, but to still allow people to visit the location.

There is also an overwrite in the permissions/rules to ingore the cover charge. People who have received this role from the property owner are exempt from having to pay the cover charge.

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