Utherverse Wiki

The Corner Ring encompasses a small Avatar icon in the center. Click on the avatar's clothing or shoes to remove them from your avatar or add removed clothing if nude. This feature is only available to VIP members and only in allowed in non-Utherverse owned regions.

UpgradeVIP - This button is visible instead of the Avatar icon if you are not a VIP-User. Click it to open a new web browser tab on the VIP payment page.

The ring around the avatar or VIP button gives easy access to a number of features; Customize Clothing, Game Settings, Dimensions, Relationships and Home Options.

Customize Clothing panel[]

Y custom The Customize Clothing panel lets you choose your avatar, clothes and accessories in the virtual world.


Game Settings[]

Z settings (shortcut F7) opens the Settings panel that allows you to choose your texture detail, language, sounds settings and more.


Z dimension You can switch to different orientations (Standard, Anything Goes, BDSM, etc) for preference, as it will place you among a set of users that share your interests. Also offered is different language dimensions, such as Spanish, French, Dutch etc, so that you can interact in a way that makes you feel most comfortable. We are always adding new languages, so if you’re native language is not included, it is likely on the way. Feel free to send a suggestion into Support@Utherverse.com if you do not see the language you desire to communicate in.

Relationships panel[]

FriendsLocatorPanel LocalTab-0

Z friends (shortcut F6) lists your current friends, lets you search for people and lets you ignore existing friends. Note: You can access your full Friend List and Ignore List via the Social Center.

This feature is described in detail on the User Interface page.

Home Options panel[]

Main menu

Z open opens the Home Options panel, This context-sensitive panel changes depending on the where you are in the game. All currently available options are shown in this menu. If they are not available to you they will not be visible at all.

Profileicon My Profile Opens a new web browser tab in your Social Center and allows you to access and edit your profile.
Buy Rays Opens a new web browser tab in your Social Center and allows you to buy rays.
Search Socialcenter Search Opens a new web browser tab in your Social Center on the Search Profiles page to allow you to search for other users' profiles.
Support Customer Support Opens a new web browser tab showing Utherverse Support.
Away off Set AFK Toggles your chat send this when I am Away message on or off.
Settings Settings Opens the Settings menu that allows you to choose your texture detail, language, sounds settings and more.
Upgrade vip VIP Only visible if you are not yet VIP. Opens a new web browser tab to the VIP payment page.
Gifts Gifts Only visible if you are already VIP or UVIP. Opens a new web browser tab with all your received gifts.
Forums Forum Opens a new web browser tab showing the Utherverse Forum.
Faq Online Help Opens a new web browser tab showing the Utherverse Support site.
Toggle Speed Chat Only visible to volunteers and specialized badges.
Music This opens the musicmusic control center.

Only visible if you have the permission from the owner of the region to send a Domain Broadcast.

Clear Region Only visible if you have the permission from the owner of the region to Clear the Region.
Zabby My Zaby This ports you directly to your (default) zaby if you bought at least one zaby.
Prop edit Prop Editor The Prop Editor only appears if you have permission from the owner of the region to decorate.
Measure Props Only visible if you have the permission from the owner of the region to decorate.
Bsp edit World Texture Editor Only visible if you have the permission from the owner of the region to edit room texture.
Startpoint Manager Only visible if you have the permission from the owner of the region to decorate and allows you to setup startpoints
Property Manager This will open up the Property Manager panel which lists of all properties you have decorate permissions.
Voice Chat This has been removed.
Video Streaming This opens up the video streaming interface for being.me. No longer an option.
Quit Logout You will be prompted if you really want to logout, if Yes, log you off and you can close the application safely.
Home - Account - User Interface - Social Center - Housing - Decorating - Clothing - Support
User Interface
Broadcast - Corner Ring - Controls - Dimensions - Directory - Game Settings - Landmarks - Prop Editor - Quick Bar - Settings - Startpoints - World Texture Editor