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The Audio Add Sound script makes it possible to play sounds in world. It supports .wav files up to 120 seconds, bigger files will not play. Ideally these files are best kept small and within 1-30 seconds.

To hear sounds from this script ensure that Play World Sounds is enabled in the Settings panel.

The best way to use this script is to use a .wav file hosted somewhere on the Internet or pick one from the default sounds included in the Utherverse distribution

Sound files will only play in conjunction of either a Clickable Trigger (on the State tab), or a Trigger Linked Script script on a Trigger Box 01.  The Activate on Load state is not required for this script.

Script setup[]

This script has the following parameters:

Script Function

There are two types of sounds you can add here:

  • Paste the URL of a web hosted .wav sound file here.
  • Alternatively you can use one of the Utherverse sound files.

Setting the Auto-Start option makes the sound play as soon as someone enters the property.

Volume The volume can be set from 1 (quietest) to 100 (loudest). However, if you intend to use the 'Proximity' option, the volume you choose becomes more important.

Proximity is based on your proximity to the prop, or how close or far away you are,.and the volume of the sound being played. If you do not to enable Proximity, the sound plays at whatever volume you set throughout the entire property.

Loop Sound

This sets the number of times the sound will repeat up to 9998 times. If you set this value to 0, the sound will play once and stop. If you set it to 9999, it repeats indefinitely.

Prop placement[]

In Utherverse, World Sounds are directional. That is, they are not just blasted throughout the entire region, but are fixed on a single position, and where you are in relation to that position, determines how you hear the sound (to the left or right, or in front or behind). What also matters is the rotation of the prop, in regards to which ear you hear it out of, for stereo sounds (if you hear it in your left ear and think it should in to the right, rotate the prop 180 degrees).

And the last thing that seems to play a part in the volume and proximity of the sound, is the size of the property you are in. For smaller properties, proximity is much more sensitive. What this means is, if you set the volume to 100 and enable Proximity, it isn't going to matter where you are in the property. It's going to be super loud.

In general, a maximum volume of 50 works best. Anything beyond that does not matter how far away you are

When a person enters the property, if the sound is set to Auto-Start, they are the only ones to hear the sound. However, if someone else clicks on the sound (providing that it is Clickable) or if the sound is triggered in another way (using "Trigger Linked Script" ), then everyone in the region will hear the sound play. Of course proximity comes in to play here if that option is enabled.

Ambient Sounds vs Add Sound[]


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